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Governors urge President Biden to move to zero-emission cars by 2035

A total of 12 governors including New York's Andrew Cuomo, California's Gavin Newsom are urging President Biden to be on the patch to ending the sale of gas powered cars and light duty trucks by 2035. This is part of the $2 trillion proposed infrastructure package.

The governors have urged Biden to set regulatory standards that phase out large vehicles that are not powered by renewable energy and gas powered cars by 2035. They have proposed to back track from 2035 and asked for milestones to be put to monitor the progress. The governors also added that the bill should include significant funding for building charging infrastructure and that states have access to these funds.

Pete Buttigieg, the Transportation Secretary and other officials are stressing that the Biden administration takes significant action to move the bill before Memorial Day.

While the Republican senators have spoken out to express their opposition to the plan the Biden administration maintained that they are open to the republican criticism and alternative suggestions but has not disclosed which aspects of the bill are open for negotiation.

The Republicans are hoping that the bill would be passed through conventional means rather than as budget reconciliation measures where a 60-vote threshold is required. Due to this the bill will have to be cut down significantly for any chance of GOP support.